Bogie manufacturing
- Manufacturing of new bogies – based on license
- Life-cycle based maintenance of bogies and brake systems
- Redesign of bogies: adjusting bogies to remodeled body frames
- Modernization of bogies: remodeling bogies from a log brake to disc brake, rolling noise reduction, improvement of rolling contact
- Bogie refurbishment:
- Refurbishment of around 400 bogies a year
- 9 different types of bogies (incl. 200 km/h high-speed bogie types)
Manufacture and repair of wheelsets
- Main profile: Passenger wheelsets with disc brakes and log brakes, tires and monobloc
- Wheelset balancing
- UH internal tensile testing, penetration testing, electrical resistance testing of tire wheels
Repair of brake parts
- Repair and remodeling of various steering valves
- Repair of railway brake cylinders
Buffers and towing equipment
- Repair of buffers with TecsPak insets, rubber springs, ring springs
- Repair of towing equipment with TecsPak insets and ring springs
- Repair of screw couplers